Experiences to live in nature
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. Mainly mountainous, the three mountain groups of the Twin Mountains, the Monti della Laga and the Gran Sasso d’Italia boast more than twenty peaks that exceed 2000 meters in altitude. The floral and faunal heritage that the Park protects is remarkable.
Il Gran Sasso d’Italia. A well-known destination for nature and mountain lovers, it is characterized by the presence of numerous marked trails that can be traveled on foot, by bike and on horseback.
Riserva Naturale Regionale dei Calanchi di Atri. The WWF oasis covers about 380 hectares and is home to important wildlife species such as the peregrine falcon, the owl, the tawny owl and mammals such as the fox, weasel and stone marten. The extraordinary geological formations known as calanchi draw the landscape of the reserve and characterize it.
Riserva naturale Gole del Salinello. An experience of nature, hermitages, caves, waterfalls within the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, at the foot of the Twin Mountains.
Fosso dell'Acero. The locality of Monti della Laga is known as Cento Fonti or Cento Cascate. In spring, the natural spectacle of waterfalls offer suggestive visions.
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